Chinese Language Teachers Association of Greater New York

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The 15th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese Program
        To download a copy of the print program, please click here

Saturday, May 6, 2017
8:00AM – 8:40AM
Registration  报到 (Lobby of SUNY State College of Optometry)
8:00AM – 9:00 AM Breakfast and Exhibits (Room 300) 早餐和参观展览
9:00-9:45 AM
Opening Ceremony (Schwarz Theater in the basement) 开幕式
Dr. Yong Ho (何勇)& Dr. LiLi Tu(屠理理)

Dr. David A. Heath, President of SUNY College of Optometry, Welcome Remarks

Dr. Shuming Lu (鲁曙明), President of CLTA-GNY

Mr. Yongji Xu (徐永吉), Education Counselor of the Chinese Consulate General in NYC

Dr. Fan Lu (吕帆), President of Wenzhou Medical University

Dr. Aimin Cheng(程爱民), Professor of the Institute for International Students, Nanjing University

9:45 – 10:00 AM    
Break & Exhibits (Room 300) 休息和参观展览
10:00 – 11:20 AM
Concurrent Session 1:  6 panels  (Breakout Rooms: 103/206/1238 Haffen Board Room/222/1118/1808 Alumni Commons)
10:00 – 12:50 PM Special Session: 3 panels (1813 Conference Room)
11:30AM – 12:50 PM
Concurrent Session 2:  6 panels  (Breakout Rooms:  103/206/1238 Haffen Board Room/222/1118/1808 Alumni Commons/ 1223 Folsom Room)
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Lunch and Exhibition (Room 300)  午餐和参观展览
2:10 – 3:30 PM
Concurrent Session 3:  6 panels  (Breakout Rooms:  103/206/1238 Haffen Board Room/222/1118/1808 Alumni Commons)
3:30 – 4:00 PM
Coffee Break (Room 300) 茶歇和参观展览
4:00 – 5:20 PM
Concurrent Session 4:  6 panels  (Breakout Rooms:103/206/1238 Haffen Board Room/222/1118/1808 Alumni Commons/1223 Folsom Room )
5:30 – 6:00 PM
Closing Ceremony (Schwarz Theater in the basement) 闭幕式
6:30 PM
Banquet (tickets required)  Ichiumi Japanese Seafood Restaurant, 6 East 32nd Street

Chinese Name
Last Name
First Name
Session 1  10:00AM –11:20 PM

Panel 1.1


Innovative Approaches to Chinese Language Teaching


(Room: 103)



Lily St. Hildas&St. Hilghs School Mandarin Teacher

What is the POINT of your POWER-POINT?  --  设计多媒体教学的Essential Questions

高宇思 Gao Yusi The Brearley School Mandarin Teacher Incorporating Filming-making Projects into a Foreign Language Classroom
周逸婷 Zhou Yiting St. Hildas&St. Hilghs School Mandarin Teacher 最简单的往往是最实用的——谈谈汉语课堂里的教育技术
郭思琪 Guo Chloe Avenues the World School Mandarin Teacher Fun Ways to Teach Math in Immersion Classrooms
张蒙源 Zhang Maya Avenues School/联合国中文组 Mandarin Teacher

Panel 1.2


Project Based Learning in a Chinese Classroom


(Room 206)

吴瑜 Wu Yu University of Rhode Island Assistant Professor Effective questioning and scaffolding in proficiency-oriented CFL classes
万洁华 Wan Jiehua University of Rhode Island 中文教师 听力教学模式与课堂游戏
黄晓颖 Huang Xiaoying Wenzhou Medical University Ph.D.& MD. , Professor Classroom Teaching Techniques and Skills of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
张尖 Zhang Jian Wenzhou Medical University Instructor of Chinese Language Teaching in stories: a new way of teaching Chinese as a foreign language

Panel 1.3


Issues of Proper Textbooks in Chinese Language Teaching

(1238 Haffen Board Room)




Teachers College

Adjunct Professor 初探北美中小学中文教师对教材的需求




Wenzhou Medical University

Instructor of Chinese Language

On the Research of TCFL Teaching Materials for Medicine-majored Foreign Students




Educational Publishing Company

Chinese Language Content Developer

Challenges and Opportunities for Leveled Chinese Reading Materials

史中琦 Shi Zhongqi  East Asian Languages and Cultures department at Columbia University Lecturer Bridging the Gap between Textbook and Reality

Panel 1.4


Model of Integrated Learning at College Level


(Room 222)

何文潮 He Wayne University of Rhode Island Professor, Director Content and Language Integrated Learning Model at College Level


Hu Xiaoyan University of Rhode Island Lecturer of Chinese


Yang Qingyu University of Rhode Island Lecturer


Cai Jiangping

University of Rhode Island孔子学院


Panel 1.5


Multiple Issues of TCL: Curriculum and Pedagogy 

(Room 1118 )


Lee Yufen

Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University

Senior Lecturer

Interactive Relationship Between Oral Proficiency and Literacy in Chinese

王郁林 Wang Yulin Yale University Senior Lecturer


杨帆 Yang Fan University of Pennsylvania Master student 学习者母语与汉语水平对外国学生 评价汉语教师课堂行为的差异研究





Program Research Specialist III


Panel 1.6


Innovative Use of Technology in Chinese Teaching 


(Room: 1808 Alumni Commons)

李晔 Li Ye Coker College Associate Professor 中文视频的制作、演示与评估
刘丽艳 Liu Liyan 乔治华盛顿大学孔子学院 教授 “翻转课堂”教学模式在孔院汉语教学中的应用
史文华 Shi Wenhua 中和世纪文化传播(北京)有限公司 CEO 智慧中文教育初探
胡静 Hu Jing Yale-NUS College Senior Lecturer Technology Enhanced Chinese Language Learning: A case study
 Special Session 10:00 AM - 12:50 PM

Study Abroad in China

(1813 Conference Room)

Panel 1 (10:00 am - 10:40 am)


Is China's Rising a Threat or an Opportunity to the U.S.?

(Chair: Dr. Dongdong Chen )

  Abigail A Cordaro Seton Hall University Student Is China's Rising a Threat or an Opportunity to the U.S.?
  Trevor West Seton Hall University Student
  Candy Fung Seton Hall University Student

Panel 2 (10:40 am - 11:40 am)


Cultural Experience

(Chair: Dr. Shuming Lu)

  Kip Ellis CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student Cultural Experience
  Philip To CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student
  Edward He CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student
  Nia Brown CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student
  Narline Borno CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student

Panel 3 (11:40 am - 12:50 am)


Demystifying China

(Chair: Dr. Yonggang Huang )

  Aaron Klauber CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student Demystifying China
  Lisa Ferreira CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student
  Sabrina Kostusiak CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student
  Pablo Garcia CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student
  Yilma Feliz CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student
  Aaron Leizerovici CUNY-Brooklyn College Study in China Program Student
Session 2  11:30AM – 12:50PM

Panel 2.1


Improving the Effectiveness of K-12 Chinese Language Classroom Instruction


(Room 103)

王若木 Wang Ruomu Benchmark Education Content Developer Customizing Class Activities to improve proficiency
黎璐瑶 Li Luyao 长岛Bridge Academy 初高中中文教师 Using Task-based Language Teaching in Chinese Language Classes
王瓯 Wang Ou Bay Shore School District Chinese teacher Incorporating Engaging Games and Promoting Fluency
吴昊 Wu Maggie Great Neck Public School Teacher Incorporating Multimedia Resources in the Classroom Instruction

Panel 2.2


                                                                                                               Pedagogical Techniques and Classroom Methods


 (Room: 206 )

江卓芝 Jiang Sharon Pace Academy/M.S 118 Teacher-Leader Application of Project Based Learning into Mandarin Classroom
袁媛 Yuan Yuan Greenwich High School Teacher Project Based Learning in Mandarin Classroom
  Zhang Weijiang Monetary Language Institute Associate Professor Engaging learners in project-based learning to enhance learning autonomy
周瑋瑋 Hsieh WeiWei Bayside High School Chinese Language Instructor Creating a PBL Classroom in a Secondary School Setting

Panel 2.3


Cross-cultural Approaches 

1238 Haffen Board Room )

刘刚 Liu Gang Carnegie Mellon University Associate Teaching Professor China through Documentary Films and Cross-Cultural Peer Learning: Experiments in Advanced CFL Course Design and Instruction
  Julius Vaitkevicius Nanjing University Associate Professor Teaching Ancient Chinese philosophy in cross-cultural environment
敖玉敏 Ao Yumin Kennesaw State University Chinese Lecturer Cross-cultural Awareness and Solutions: A Social Perspective Taking (SPT) Module for Competence-based Training
刘博京 Liu Bojing Wenzhou Medical University Instructor of Chinese Language The application of Pinyin in teaching Chinese as a foreign language

Panel 2.4


Curricular Models and Methods


张相华 Chang Hsiang-Hua Oakland University Associate Professor Backward Design Principles and Practices for Chinese Heritage Language Education
赵华 Zhao Hua Singapore Chinese Teacher 中国谐音字画的文化特征




The City University of New York

Assistant Professor 如何运用电影作为中文教学的辅助手段
黄莉莉 Huang Lili Alfred University Teacher 课程设计在小学阶段汉语沉浸式教学中的重要作用

Panel 2.5


Curriculum Design


蔡蓉 Cai Rong

Emory University

孔子学院美方院长 如何在大学高年级汉语课融入文学教学:选材和课程设计
徐翊玲 Hsu I-Ling University of Rhode Island Lecturer Bringing Design Thinking to Curriculum Design through WeChat







林靜虹 Lin ChingHong Seton Hall University 研究生 Designing Classroom Activities: Differences between College, Middle School and Kindergarten

Panel 2.6


Technology and Motivational Tools 


(Room: 1808 Alumni Commons)

饶莎 Rao Sha 南京双日教育科技有限公司 总裁 以"互联网+"为驱动,推进中文国际教学发展
尹承旭 Yin Chengxu University of Notre Dame Associate Teaching Professor Integrating In-Class and Outside-Class Activities Through Mobile Assisted Language Learning
王小宁 Wang Xiaoning ChinaSprout President Transforming Your Classroom into a Library and a News Studio
韩怡 Han Yi Fordham Preparatory School Mandarin teacher Using Nearpod and Voice Thread in a Beginner level One-on-One Class

 Panel 2.7

Chinese Across Borders


(Room: 1223 Folsom Room )

杜阳 Du Yang 联合国中文组、北京语言大学 教师 国际汉语文化教学中的诗歌教学
张帆 Zhang Fan 泰国教育部次长办公室 国际交流处双边合作科事务助理 对外汉语教学中民俗文化的渗透
穆晓英 Mu Xiaoying 美国关岛东方文化学院 Flair Chinese School 董事长 教师 异域语境下汉语教学在文化碰撞中的新思维
张尚可 Zhang Shangke Seton Hall University 研究生 基于智能手机的移动汉语学习软件初探

Lunch and Exhibit (Lower Lobby )午餐及参观展览


Session 3  2:10PM – 3:30PM

Panel 3.1


Approaches of Performance and Communication in the Classroom

103 )

林宛芊 Lin Fang 大学理事会、大纽约地区中文教师学会 大学理事会 teacher trainer、大纽约地区中文教师学会理事 Building Proficiency Through Content-based Instruction 以学科知识教学模式增进语文能力
冯羡贤 Cascella Xianxian Glenwood Landing School Teacher
陈颖文 Chen Yingwen Avenues Head Teacher
曹瑛 Tso Ying Avenues Head Teacher

Panel 3.2


Probing into the Use and Meanings of Some Words  



孟丽萍 Meng Liping Montville Township High School Mandarin Teacher Planning Lessons and Designing Activities to Prepare Lower-level Students for AP Chinese Exam
王之容 Wang Zhirong Columbia University Lecturer 浅谈中高级汉语中的词汇教学

Panel 3.3


Engaging Learners with Diverse Strategies and Activities 

(Room:1238 Haffen Board Room )

吴青璇 Wu Ching-Hsuan Honors College at Western Kentucky University Academic Director for the Chinese Flagship Program Error Analysis and Pedagogical Implications: A Case Study of Two English-Speaking Learners of Advanced Chinese
彭宗平 Peng Zongping 中国传媒大学 教师 非目的语环境下的语法偏误
董聪 Dong Cong Central New York Chinese School 教师 美籍韩裔学生学习汉语语音 ü的偏误分析
王天松 Wang Tiansong 泰国瓦拉亚隆宫皇家大学 院长助理 关于泰国学生汉语语音教学研究

Panel 3.4


Teaching and Learning of Chinese Characters and Writing 

(Room:222 )

  Chen Franz Ponddy Education Founder and CEO Use of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence to Support Spiral Curriculum and Personalized Language Learning
李露 Li Lu Riverdale Country School Chinese Teacher 带着眼睛、耳朵和嘴巴去旅行
黎蒙 Li Lusardi Mong Riverdale Country School 中文老师 All the Cool Things You Can Do! - for China Trips and Exchange Programs

Panel 3.5


Expectation and Implementation of Chinese Learning


陈广艳 Chen Guangyan Texas Christian University Assistant professor Identifying Cultural Elements in Chinese Language Curricula Using the 3Ps Framework
张俊瑜 Zhang Junyu Texas Christian University Instructor
  Wu Grace University of Pennsylvania Senior Lecturer in Foreign Language Learning to Read, Reading to Learn: Teaching Culture with Language
吴晶 Wu Jing Alfred University Instructor 中美文化差异对美国中小学汉语课堂教学的影响和以及对策

Panel 3.6


Pedagogical Approaches to Aspects of Morphology and Syntax


(Room: 1808 Alumni Commons)

都文伟 Du Wenwei Vassar College Language, Culture and Literature Professor 中国文字的趣味性及其在教学上运用的可行性(Chinese Word Play and Its Use in Language Teaching)
黄晓萌 Huang Xiaomeng 纽约州立大学商务孔子学院/南京财经大学 Chinese Language and Culture Instructor 英汉“前/后”的时间隐喻空间化认知对比分析及其对外汉语教学策略研究
王玲 Wang Ling Emory University 孔子学院中方院长 新HSK听力测试中话语标记分布特征和作用的调查分析
王海龙 Wang Hailong Columbia University Lecturer Cognitive Linguistic and Chinese Vocabulary Acquisition
3:30-4:00 Coffee Break and Exhibization Visiting: 展览全天开放
 Lower Lobby
Session 4  4:00PM – 5:20PM
Panel 4.1


Technology-integrated language learning: A Chinese teacher roundtable

(Room: 1238 Haffen Board Room )

何柔彬 Harvey Robin New York University Director of NYU's Developing Chinese Language Teachers Project (DCLT) Technology-integrated language learning: A Chinese teacher roundtable
唐力行 Tang Frank New York University NYU's Developing Chinese Language Teachers Project (DCLT)
邱冰 Qiu Bing Bronx High School of Science Chinese Teacher
郭思琪 Guo Chloe Avenues the World School Chinese Teacher

Panel 4.2


Amusement in Learning Chinese



应洁 Ying Jie Harvard University Preceptor How to motivate students and draw upon their interest in leaning Chinese?
庞中华 Pang Zhonghua 北京庞体文化艺术中心 中国硬笔书法协会终身名誉主席、中国教育部硬笔书法考级专家委员会主任、北京庞中华硬笔书法中心CEO 中国汉字的快乐书写教学与实践
黄彦 Huang Yan Alexandria City Public Schools Teacher Teaching Chinese characters through artistic lenses
徐娟 Xu Juan 阿尔弗莱德大学孔子学院 汉语教师 儿童对外汉语教学中的文化教学方法
Panel 4.3


Teaching Language and Medicine for Non-Native Students

(Room: 1238 Haffen Board Room )

徐丹 Xu Dan Wenzhou Medical University Deputy Dean of School of International Studies 来华留学生医学教育现状与未来发展趋势探索
袁一民 Yuan Yimin 温州医科大学附属眼视光医院 教育教学处处长 专业教育与汉语教学融合的模式创新—以温州医科大学眼视光专业教学为例
陈浩 Chen Hao Wenzhou Medical University Director of Teaching Affairs Office of the Second Affiliated Hospital Medical education for international students in Wenzhou Medical University

Panel 4.4


Integration of Teacher Training, Curriculum Design and Online Technology



吴晨 Wu Chen Columbia University Lecturer 翻译练习在不同级别汉语教学中的应用
文采菊 Wen Caiju University of Pennsylvania Lecturer Developing Learner Autonomy in Teaching Advanced Business Chinese
章毓林 Zhang Yulin Wenzhou Medical University Chinese Director of Confucius Institute at Burapha University On-the-job Training Studies of Native Chinese Teachers in Eastern Thailand: Career Planning Training and Career Development of Native Chinese Teachers
何涛枫 He Taofeng Montclair State University, New Jersey Chinese Language Professor Online Learning and Technology Integration in High EducationInteg

Panel 4.5


Aspects of Phonology, Morphology and Syntax



肖洒 Xiao Sa Shenzhen University/CMU Assistant Professor A Cross-linguistic Comparison Study of Metaphor and Pedagogical Implication in CFL Classroom
田野 Tian Ye 泰国华侨崇圣大学 学生 泰国大学生汉语一级元音中介语系统的建立
周芍 Zhou Shao 华南师范大学/University of Rhold Island 博士,华南师范大学副教授,University of Rhold Island孔子学院公派教师 “分X"类副词对汉语分配机制的实现
张丹阳 Zhang Danyang University of Rhode Island 汉语教师志愿者 An Experimental Study on Tone Acquisition of American Intermediate-Chinese Learners

 Panel 4.6


Strategies in Promoting Language and Culture Teaching

(Room: 1808 Alumni Commons)

程爱民 Cheng Aimin 南京大学海外教育学院 Dr. Aimin Cheng, Professor of the Institute for International Students, Nanjing University 新媒体时代留学生中国文化教学的几点思考
张斌 Zhang Bin 南京大学海外教育学院 讲师 “互联网+”与中国文化慕课平台教学体系建设研究
王素平 Wang Suping Alfred University Instructor 汉语教学如何走进美国主流教育体系的几点建议
金兰 Jin Lan School of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University.
Confucius Institute at New Jersey City University
Associate Professor/ Visiting Professor 语言推广政策的顺势而为

Panel 4.7

Analyses of Learning Purposes and Capabilities of Integration

(Room: 1223 Folsom Room )

邵燕梅 Shao May 山东师范大学 副教授、硕导 针对美国留学生文化休克现象的教学策略研究
林容婵 Lin Rongchan Teachers College, Columbia University Ed.D. Student

Examining the scoring of test-takers’ ability to integrate prior knowledge and source content into spoken discourse: A Rasch analysis

张晓蕾 Zhang Xiaolei Seton Hall University Graduate Student How different language environment influence the process of teaching Chinese: the comparison between China and the US
王蒙 Wang Meng Vassar College Language Fellow 对外汉语学习者学习动机分析

Closing Ceremony  in the Theater 闭幕式 5:30 PM

Closing Remarks

Special performance:

Guzheng by Wu Zhongbei (古筝表演家吴中蓓)
Pipa by Ma Lin (中国十大琵琶演奏家马琳)

                                                                      Banquet:  (tickets required) Ichiumi Japanese Seafood Restaurant, 6 East 32nd Street