
Dan Xu 徐丹

School of International Studies of Wenzhou Medical University, Deputy Dean

论文摘要Paper Abstract随着中国经济的快速发展,对留学生资助力度逐年增加,吸引了越来越多的留学生赴华学医,规模不断扩大的同时,也面临着各种问题:师资队伍质量与留学生期望值不匹配,课程教材设置与国际最新标准不同步,人文关怀教育欠缺致文化不适应。通过对温州医科大学中美合作培养博士MS/OD项目与美国托马斯大学护理学专业中外合作项目的实施情况进行讨论,探索来华留学医学教育的三大新趋势:师资国际化、教材同步化、管理趋同化。

 发言人简介Presenter's BioDeputy Dean of School of International Studies of Wenzhou Medical University (WMU), is a professor in WMU's School of Ophthalmology and Optometry. Her research interests reside primarily in the visual functions of myopia and she has authored several publications in relation to these research fields. Prof. Dan Xu also has been a visiting scholar at New England of College of Optometry (1998) and University of Houston (2000). Moreover, she assists her tutors in pioneering the establishment of ophthalmology & optometry as a medical discipline in China.