Building Proficiency Through Content-based
Instruction 以学科知识教学模式增进语文能力
Marisa Fang, Xianxian
(Feng) Cascella, Yingwen
Chen, Ying Tso 林宛芊,冯羡贤,
Abstract:Research studies
indicate that students learn a new language more effectively when the
instruction engages students to learn both language and content. The
content-based instruction model empowers students to attain the continual
development of language proficiency and the achievement of meeting academic
content objectives. In this workshop, the presenters will showcase helpful tips
and tools to create content-based lessons. As designed, these activities
carefully integrate into the school curriculum, incorporate the 5C’s and 3
Modes of ACTFL standards, and weave through content-related themes.
Project-based and performance-based activities are also included.
发言人简介Presenter's Bio:
Marisa Fang
(林宛芊)- Guest Teacher
Adviser to the College Board, K-6
Xianxian (Feng)Cascella (冯羡贤) – North Shore
Schools, K-5
Yingwen Chen (陈颖文)- Avenues New York
– The World School, Chinese Immersion, Grades 2-3
Ying Tso (曹瑛)- Avenues New York
– The World School, Chinese Immersion, Grades 2-3