Interactive Relationship Between Oral Proficiency and Literacy in Chinese

Frances Yufen Lee Mehta李玉芬

 Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University  Chinese teacher

论文摘要Paper AbstractOral proficiency, encompassing listening and speaking skills, prepares learners advancing in literacy skills, reading and writing, for an all-inclusive language experience.  Studies show that strong listening and speaking skills bring about successful development of literacy.  Owing to the nature of the Chinese written system, learners’ oral and literacy proficiencies are closely interrelated, thus a spike in any isolated language skill is in itself not sufficient to sustain one’s overall proficiency at a more sophisticated level. Through this holistic language acquistion process that enhances one’s linguistic and communicative competences, a Chinese language curriculum needs to strike a comprehensive balance of all linguistic skills in any given stage of learning. 

This presentation intends to first explore an innovative approach to efficiently foster students’ oral profiency by incoporating methodical flip classroom practice, regular in-class presentations and teacher-to-student interviews.  The efficacy of cross-bridging between oral and literary proficiencies will be demonstrated with the contents of  students’ performances and assignments on diverse topics.  The presentation will conclude by recommending promising pedagogical applications for operational intergration of oral and literacy proficiencies.

发言人简介Presenter's BioFrances Yufen Lee Mehta, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University.