Fun Ways to Teach Math in Immersion Classrooms

Maya Zhang  张蒙源

 United Nations Chinese Language Programme     Chinese Teacher

论文摘要Paper AbstractTeaching Math in a target language is becoming a trend in Chinese immersion classrooms. How to effectively teach math in Chinese? How to build mathematical fluency? How to teach math vocabularies to scaffold students in order to allow concept mastery? There are so many games and printouts out there, but all in Chinese. How can Chinese teachers use these resources?

In line with Singapore Math Teaching Standards

Incorporate both the language goals and mathematical goals

Differentiation and grouping

Fun and Interactive games and materials

Technologies in Teaching Math in Immersion Classrooms

Teach to mastery of the skills—Concrete—Pictorial—Abstract"

发言人简介Presenter's Bio:张蒙源 Maya Zhang 是联合国中文组的中文讲师,也是爱文学校一年级的中文老师。张老师很喜欢在课堂里和学生们一起学习做游戏。本科毕业于圣约瑟夫大学的幼儿教育专业;研究生学习的是对外汉语教学。张老师在业余时间喜欢读书、跳舞、运动。