

作为纽约会议的姊妹篇,位于美国首都华盛顿的乔治华盛顿大学孔子学院和南京大学海外教育学院将于5月5日(星期天)下午举办 2019第五届GWU-NJU国际汉语教学研讨会。参加纽约会议的人员也欢迎参加华盛顿会议,详情请见:


大纽约地区中文教师学会5月4日晚上在位于中国城的金丰酒店 (20 Elizabeth Street) 宴请会议发言人员,非发言人员可自费参加并享受学会补助,费用是$45/人(包小费,实际价格为$50+小费)。参加者请与会务组联系

The conference committee has selected Dr. Wang Juefei as the keynote speaker for 17th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese ( ) on May 4 at NYU. Dr. Wang is a distinguished scholar and expert in the field of Chinese teaching in the U.S. Please click here for his bio in English and Chinese.