A Student Ambassador Program to Advance Chinese Language Education in the U.S.


As the enrollment of world language programs in higher education continues to trend downwards (MLA 2021 report), departments are seeking innovative ways to attract and retain students in language programs. This presentation shares the insights garnered from launching and advising two cohorts of a language student ambassador program to promote learning Chinese on U.S. college campus and beyond. The audience will learn about the recruiting process and the logistics of running a faculty-led student ambassador program, as well as best practices and challenges of starting such a program.

Over the past two years, the program has evolved into a high-impact learning experience for the student ambassadors. In addition to providing opportunities for students to organize and lead language and culture events on campus, in its second year, working with faculty and staff across world language departments and units, the program introduced a successful skillset student workshop series where the ambassadors can acquire or enhance 21st Century career-readiness skills in, for example, leadership, collaboration and productivity. The ambassadors have in turn utilized these skills to advocate for Chinese language education in K-16 with greater efficacy.

Lead Presenter Bio:

Dr. Jenny Yang is Associate Teaching Professor and Language Programs Coordinator in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. She also serves as Chair of the Curriculum and Pedagogy Board at the Language Engagement Project (LEP). She currently devotes her energy to innovative approaches in the language classroom, initiatives to promote language education in K-16 in the U.S., and strategies to advance student success in higher education and beyond.

Co-Presenter Bio:

Jane Huang is Teaching Instructor of Chinese and Media Coordinator in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. She teaches Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese language courses as well as assist the department in event coordinating and curriculum development.