Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association  Style Sheet


Guidelines for Submission of Manuscripts


1.     Manuscripts submitted to the Journal must not have been previously published elsewhere -- either in print or electronically -- nor currently under review for possible publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format, with an original hardcopy mailed to -CLTA-GNY.

2.     The Journal publishes articles in both English and Chinese. English articles should go through a spelling and grammar check on the computer before submission. Authors writing in their non-native language are advised to have their articles thoroughly edited by professionals with native-level proficiency in that language prior to submission.

3.     Documentation of sources: Authors should adhere to established academic standards for acknowledging sources and avoiding plagiarism. Information on what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it is available at:

Manuscript Preparation:

4All manuscripts must be readable in MS Word with all the original formatting.

5.     Diagrams, tables, and charts must be no more than 5" wide in order to be accommodated within the width of the Journal, and the font size should be no smaller than 9 points in order to be legible (main text is printed in 11 points).

6.     Chinese characters in articles written in English: Characters should be used in example sentences. Romanization may be added at the author's discretion. For occasional Chinese words within English text, characters may be used to accompany Romanized words on first occurrence, and where they facilitate identification, but not with words or names that are well-known or can be readily identified. In all cases, Chinese characters must be displayable with MS Word.

7.     Romanization: Except for established proper nouns and terminology, Romanization should be done in standard Hanyu Pinyin. Tonal markings should be made by using either the Unicode-compliant Times New Roman font with tone-marked vowels or tone numbers at the end of each syllable (which will be converted to tone diacritics by the Editor).

8.     Footnotes rather than endnotes should be used within the manuscript.

9.     References and Bibliographies: Contemporary standard formats used in academic publications are acceptable. Items in Chinese and Western Languages may be grouped separately or listed together. Chinese listings must include characters for authors and titles, while Romanization for Chinese titles is unnecessary and translation of the titles into English is optional. Other formatting matters such as the use of capitalization, italics and punctuation should also be consistent throughout the bibliography. Authors may also refer to the bibliographies in recent issues of the Journal as samples.

10.      All articles should have a title in both English and Chinese.

11.      All articles should have a name of the author both in English and Chinese (if applicable).  

12.      All articles should have an abstract in both English and Chinese. Abstract should be placed before main text, and English abstract should appear before Chinese abstract. All abstracts should have no more than 100 words or characters.   

13.      All articles should include a short bio (either in English or in Chinese) about the author and it should be placed in the end of the article. The bio should include author’s name, affiliation, and areas of research. The length of the bio should be less than 80 words.  


     All submitted articles should appear in the following order:    

English title of the article;

Chinese title of the article;

Author’s name (for Chinese name, last name appears after first name);

Name of affiliation (English name appears before Chinese name);

English abstract;

Chinese abstract;



Bio about the author (either in English or in Chinese, but no more than 80 words)    


  1. 标题的中英文字体为12;作者及单位为12 斜体.
  2. 正文字体: 中文为宋体 Sim Sun (body),字号 10 英文为Times New Roman,字号11.
  3. 内容摘要段落起头不空格。
  4. 注释:统一使用脚注,字体为10,行距为1.0
  5. 作者简介包括姓名、职务/职称、工作单位列于文后。




On the Pagoda Exercise in the Teaching of Chinese (Time New Roman 12)

小议宝塔体练习在汉语教学中的运用( Sim Sun 12)



Ji Li 李寄 (Font 12 斜体)


University of Dayton (Font 12 斜体)




Abstract: The Pagoda Poetry, a traditional Chinese genre of literature, reflects the unique characteristics of Chinese language, literature and culture. The Pagoda Exercise, modeled on the Pagoda Poetry, is shaped like a pagoda, with characters increasing in number at each level. It serves not only as an effective method to teach characters and words, it also helps to teach grammar, and the text proper. Besides learning Chinese, learners can have much fun and learn more about the uniqueness of Chinese language, literature and culture.  (Time New Rome 11)


[内容提要]宝塔体是中国传统文学的一种游戏性文体,由于体现了中国文字、文学、文化的独特性而受到人们的喜爱。宝塔体练习以宝塔诗为原型,不仅是汉字、词语,而且可以是语法、语用的有效教学工具。对于汉语教师来说,宝塔体练习具有较强的实用性和可操作性。对于学生来说,它又具有较强的游戏性——在学习汉语的同时,学生可以获得游戏的快乐,体验中国文字、文学、文化的独特魅力。                                                       ( Sim Sun 10)                                                      








宝塔体一样,宝塔体练习充分利用了汉字一字一格,一字一音的结构和语音特点,形成了很有特色的练习形式。以《中文听说读写》(Level 1Part 1),第六课(Cheng and Tsui Compary,Third Edition) 的对话一为例。本人编排了以下几组宝塔体练习。宝塔体练习在汉语教学中有着多重的功用。


  1. 首先它可以当作字、词练习。汉字音形分离,对习惯了音形一致或基本一致的国际学生来说,字词的记忆和运用是个相当大的挑战。宝塔体练习是一个有效减轻记忆和运用负担的很好的方式。在宝塔体练习中,大多数字词都会重复出现几次,有些关键字出现次数可能更多。不断的重现无疑有助于强化记忆,多次的练习有助于掌握运用。


  1. 宝塔体练习其次可以视为语音、语调练习和提高话语流利度的流利练习。汉字虽然一字一顿,但组字成词,组词成句,有些音弱化,另一些音强化,形成了内在的节奏,产生了一种抑扬顿挫的流利。而把汉语当成第二外语的国际学生在字和词的发音上可能相当精准,但读或说长句,他们的节奏感往往弱化,流利度明显降低:句子说得一字一顿、磕磕绊绊,显得洋腔洋调。


  1. 再次,宝塔体练习有助于汉语学习从字到词到句的过渡。关于汉语语篇的分割,众说纷纭,有坚守传统以为本的,也有借鉴西语以语篇为本的。我们认为根据汉语的固有特征,照顾汉语的传统,在从字到篇章的连续体中,以句为本较为合宜。








[作者简介]  (黑体, 11)

李寄(黑体, 11 )文学博士,研究方向:中国现代文学,应用语言学,对外汉语教学。联系方式: