Lixing Tang

Professor of New York University


Dr. Lixing Tang is Professor of Foreign Language Education at New York University. He has served as the Director of the Multilingual Multicultural Studies (TESOL/Bilingual Education/ Foreign Language Education) for 15 years from 1997-2012. He currently serves as the Principal Investigator (PI) of Project Developing Chinese Language Teachers (DCLT), a project funded by The Freeman Foundation since 2007.


Dr. Tang created the BA and MA in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Programs at NYU as early as the Year 2000, the first of its kind in the East Coast of USA.  Over the past decade, NYU has graduated over 90 students, and the majority of those graduates are now teaching in K-12 classes in the U.S.  Project DCLT, also created by Dr. Tang, has been providing quality professional development services and resources for K-12 teachers.


Dr. Tang's research interest includes foreign language teaching methodology and teacher education.  His publications include many books and articles on second/foreign language teaching and learning.  He is an active workshop presenter for school and keynote speaker at many international and national conferences, including the National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC). His presentation covers a range of topics including brain research and teaching of foreign languages, humanistic approach to teaching foreign languages, becoming a master teacher in teaching Chinese in American schools, storytelling and technology in Chinese language classrooms, and cross cultural approach to teaching culture in Chinese language classrooms.