《中华缘:来华外国人简史》MY CHINESE: THE
Yongwei (钟永伟)
改革開放三十年来中國经济迅速崛起,諸多有識之士抓住了英語學習熱的契機,獲得了很大的發展的話。那麼,自從21世紀中國加入了WTO之後,中國更加國際化,必將迎來更多的外賓,注重文化建设,因而出現漢語潮和迎来国际汉语教育的春天。笔者认为,对外汉语也是一种传播活动,从传播学视角谈对外汉语,其解决谁WHO对外汉语老师以及对外汉语者,WHAT传播内容包括汉语言文字和中华传统文化,WHICH CHANNEL传播方法,TO WHOM传播对象,TO WHAT EFFECTS传播效果评估。而当前从文献史料来看,涉猎其他领域文章与成果多,而关注传播对象TO WHOM即与中国文化有缘的外国人的资料甚少。因此,我们将从这个角度切入,提出老外学,老外学是一门研究老外现象与规律的学科和科学,对不同国家的外国人加以甑别,区别对待。我们将从历史的角度,按时间和人物,事件三个维度来编修《中华缘:来华外国人简史》,从传播学视角来关注对外汉语教材的现状以及国别化教材,例如日本式中文,美国式中文等以及按国别分班教学。
If the opening and reforming up policy comes which is an opportunity for
Chinese students to study English? While with China
entry into WTO as the head of WTO puts it China
is easier to export and meanwhile more and more international friends will come
to China and China is
becoming more international. Thus it will make Chinese popular. In the past we
seldom saw foreigners from TV; however nowadays more and more foreign hosts
with standard Chinese show on TV and more programs on Chinese study have been
made. Thus Young will international will focus on this area and catch this rare
opportunity and make it a research academy and basis of HSK research center and
Chinese traditional cultural communication research. We would invite more
experts and language masters to explore how we teach international friends
Chinese. Youngwill
University is a
professional Mandarin & English cross Culture bilingual Learning Centre. We
offer an easy and simple Chinese language learning experience as well as an
enjoyable study atmosphere exploring Chinese culture. We use an “easy
experience” teaching method which emphasizes real Chinese experiences and