Teaching Practice and
Research—Discussion on Pronunciation and Culture Teaching
Hsu I-Ling (徐翊玲),
Hu Xiaoyan (胡小艳),
Li Shumin (李淑敏),
Wu Yue (吴悦),
This panel includes
four papers that present teaching and research practice in the Chinese Language
Flagship Program, Confucius Institute and Chinese BA Program at the
Papers 1 and 2 report on how I-Ling Hsu and Xiaoyan Hu use Pratt, a
pronunciation and intonation
analysis program to analyze students pronunciation, find some common
errors of the American students in learning Chinese and suggest how to improve
Pinyin teaching. Paper 3 by Shumin Li reports her
findings in phonetic teaching in Chinese. She especially will discuss rules in
tone change, intonation learning and stress in Chinese pronunciation. Paper 4
by Yue Wu will discuss how to combine culture factors
in language teaching to kindergarten and elementary school children. This paper attempts to start from the teachers'
own experience, and tries to explore an innovative mode of combining culture
and language teaching by analyzing several components of the Teaching Chinese
as a Second Language, such as teaching preparation, teaching steps, teaching
skills, teaching management, and excitation mechanism.
Varieties of this panel will provide
some useful information through the presenter’s work.
Paper One by Hsu I-Ling
Earlier research in
acoustics has shown valuable results in perception and production in tones and
intonation and also observed articulatory difficulties for American students
learning Chinese. For example, it is challenging for the first-year learners to
stabilize the four tones on the word level, especially the second and the
fourth tones. The second-year learners have problems in producing correct tones
and prosody in lengthy statements; resulting in “洋腔洋调.” The previous acoustic research mainly uses Praat, a free speech analysis program, to generate findings
by analyzing students’ speech samples. Rather than using Praat
only for the purpose of linguistic research, this study extends the program
into developing pedagogical approaches and creating a highly-interactive
environment between students and teachers in the acquisition of tones and
prosody. The proposed learning model has two phases, the segmental phase and
the discourse phase. The segmental phase focuses on word tones, while the
discourse phase focuses on sentential intonation for more complex structures.
With the program as a teaching aid, the students will be provided feedbacks
both verbally and visually to enhance their understanding about the pitch level and prosodic features in words and sentences and
further contribute towards more accurate speech production. Through
vigorous practice on recording and analyzing their own speech sample on the
program, it is expected that students will learn the skills to overcome many
hurdles in pronunciation and approach native competence.
Paper Two by Hu Xiaoyan
音高曲线虽然基本正确, 但声调的整个音区太高或太低, 普遍的现象是高调上不去,低处不下来,最明显表现在第二声结尾音高不够高,第四声结尾音高不够低,升降得不到位。
音高曲线不对,将平调说成升调或降调, 将升调说成降调等。“不”、“一”和三声等变调规则的应用不自然。
难以和语言交际接轨。在学习的开始阶段, 学习者花大量时间练习无意义的音节, 学会了声调的发音却无法马上运用到交际中去, 错过了很多在交际中巩固提高的机会。
现有的声调教学模式从一开始的单音节教学、双音节教学,到后来的字词教学, 都在词或词组层面进行。
教学方式相对单调, 不够直观。学习者跟着教师反复模仿练习。同时,学生在课后自我练习或者跟读录音的时候并不能总是发现自己的发音缺陷,也就无从纠音。
在完成单音节声调教学后,对待汉语初学者,我们应该把教学重点放在双音节、三音节和多音节 (包括变调)上。由于受到英语语调的干扰,即使单音节音高准确,很多学生在双音节词上,发音存在着很大的问题。
完成语音阶段的学习任务后, 在词汇和语法教学阶段加强相应的声调知识、技能的进一步学习和训练。从唐诗、绕口令开始进行四声辨析。然后练习固定语法结构,提醒学生注意音长的分配、强调句子重点。接下来以话题内容为中心,开始小句、句群练习,注意句子的停顿。
Paper Three by Li Shumin
The rules of tone changes had been summarized by many
textbooks and many Chinese grammar books. Yet, many times, we can find one
or more exceptions to these rules, which means these
rules are not universally applicable. For example: rule third tone sandhi: when two third toned characters are together, the
first one is read as a second tone. not
necessarily. e. g. 李敏, (and more
examples from Hu Ronghua’s phrase collections);
another example: “一” is read as a
fourth tone when in front of a second tone, e.g. 一鸣惊人;exception: not in a name, e. g. 一鸣奶吧。
What makes a good rule? 王韫佳and his partners had made a series of experiments on how the stressed
syllables sound like and where they usually occur. Semantically functional
words are the stressed ones--they summarized from hundreds of two-chartered
phrases.仲 晓波 and his partners had tried to
simulate the stressed syllables in acoustic waves and found that stresses in
mandarin are pronounced longer than the unstressed ones and sometimes even
longer than a regular full tone. Based on these researchers’ work, we developed
our interactive teaching methodology, adopted the semantic stress rule and
applied it to sentence reading and even poetry reading. And it works.
[Mai Lishan’s recording of a tongue twister and a
poem: shi hui yin by yu qian ming
dynasty. Coming more.]
One limitation of the application of this semantic rule: it is more applicable
for students in intermediate level or higher ones. For beginners, this rule
leaves very few clues for them to understand how they should read.
Paper Four by Wu Yue
语言是文化的载体,在语言教学中不能脱离文化而孤立进行,但如何在语言教 学中导入文化因素,或者在文化引介中融入语言训练,是摆在每个对外汉语老师面前的重大课题。尤其是对儿童进行汉语教学,因为他们学习语言不像成人有明确的 目的性,而且注意力很难长期集中,因此必须在语言教学中添加其他的“作料”,才可能使课堂活动变得丰富多彩,达到理想的效果。本文试图从教师的自身经验入 手,通过真实的案例,具体分析教学准备、教学环节、教学技巧、教学管理、激励机制等几个对外汉语的几个组成部分,探索一条新颖的文化语言相结合的教学模 式,以期给其他汉语老师有益的参考。
Language is the carrier of culture,
language teaching can not be separated from culture teaching. Therefore,how to introduce cultural elements
in language teaching, and how to make effective language training in cultural
introduction become a big subject which every Chinese language teacher has to
face, especially in the field of teaching Chinese for children. When comes to
learn a language, children don’t have a clear purpose like adults do, besides ,they can not focus on for a long-term. But children also has advantages which their adults components
can’t compare with. They are more delighted to accept new things, and their
abilities to model and to perform are very strong. If teachers are aware of the
characteristics of children’s learning and add some special “ingredients” in teaching ,it will be definitely helpful in making the class
active and colorful, By this way ,teachers are easier to achieve the desired
goal. This paper attempts to start from the teachers' own experience, and tries
to explore an innovative mode of combining culture and language teaching by
analyzing several components of the Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, such
as teaching preparation, teaching steps, teaching skills, teaching management,
and excitation mechanism. We hope this paper will be a useful reference for our
语 言是文化的载体,语言教学中不能脱离文化而孤立进行,因此,如何在语言教学中导入文化因素,或者在文化引介中融入语言训练,是摆在每个对外汉语老师面前的 重大课题。尤其是对儿童进行汉语教学,因为他们学习语言不像成人有明确的目的性,而且注意力很难长期集中。但儿童学习语言也有成人无法比拟的优势,比如乐 于接受新事物,模仿能力和表现欲望都很强。教师如果掌握了儿童学习语言的特点,并在教学中加入适当的“作料,相信定能使课堂活动变得丰富多彩,达到理想的 效果。本文试图从教师的自身经验入手,通过真实的案例,具体分析教学准备、教学环节、教学技巧、教学管理、激励机制等几个对外汉语组成部分,探索一条新颖 的文化语言相结合的教学模式,以期给其他汉语老师有益的参考。