Preventative Strategies and Practical Solutions to classroom problems

Yan Jiang


Teacher, The Urban Assembly BSSWA



Preventative strategies and practical solutions to classroom problems that occasionally occur play an essential role in maintaining the learning environment for students. A well-tailored classroom management system is conducive to the implementation of effective teaching. During this forum, a certain numbers of typical classroom management topics will be discussed, e.g., Repeated Tardiness, Verbal or Physical Threats, Sleeping in Class, Too Much Chit Chat, Disrespectful Behavior, among others. Furthermore, participants will not only identify classroom problems, but will also suggest preventative strategies and practical solutions. The suggested preventative strategies and practical solutions include:


1. Setting the Classroom Atmosphere

2. Managing Tempo and Time

3. Making a Connection Between Faculty and Students:

4. Making Connections: Student-to-Student

5. Helping Students Learn to Be College Students