Issues of Chinese and American Cultures in Chinese Teaching at College Level


Shuming Lu


City University of New York




Cases of English Mistranslation of Classical Chinese Poetry: A Critique


Yonggang Huang & Shuming Lu, City University of New York - Brooklyn College 






A Course Design for Sunday Chinese School in Pre-K and Kinder Level


Yu Chun Wu, City University of New York - Brooklyn College


How to teach and what to teach in a young children Chinese language class with a time limitation? What should be considered into the curriculum for a course like Sunday school for Pre-K and Kindergarten? A course curriculum was created to serve language learning and to compromise environmental limitation problems. A set of teaching material, which based on cognitive and physical development in early childhood was developed in the past year. Some of the outcome as well as several techniques will be discussed in this paper.    




王海龙Hailong Wang, Columbia University


