Chinese Is Fun For Everyone



Marisa Fang

Parkway Elementary School

Plainview-Old Bethpage Central School District



Children learn things by means of different intelligences.  It is why students are skilled in different areas.  Marisa Fang is an experienced Chinese teacher working with young students in public schools.  She will provide effective tips, strategies and hands-on activities in a Chinese classroom to facilitate differentiated instruction to accommodate students with different learning styles and intelligences.


學術研究發現孩童經由多元智能來學習新事物.因此他們在不同領域能表現出眾的才藝.林宛芊老師 多年來任教於公立小學,對幼童的中文教學具有豐富的經驗.她將分享一些寓教於樂,並適合學童發揮不同智能的教學活動.