CLTA-GNY Bus to Seton Hall University

CLTA-GNY will charter a bus on the day of the conference departing from Flushing with a stop in Manhattan on its way to Seton Hall. The ride is free for presenters and members, but advance registration for the transportation is required by March 31, 2009. After that date, we can't guarantee seats and there will be a charge of $10. The bus fare for non-members is $10.

Bus departure time: 7:15 am from Flushing and 7:45 am from Manhattan

Bus pick-up stations:
Flushing: Sheraton Hotel 135-20 39th Ave. Flushing, NY 11354
Manhattan: 34th Street, corner of 5th Ave. & 34th Street, Empire State Building
The bus will display a CLTA-GNY sign in Chinese.

Bus return time from Seton Hall: approximately 7:30 pm after the dinner.

The CLTA-GNY charter bus is now full. For people who still need assistance with transportation, there are the following options:

1. We'll put you on the waiting list for the charter bus in case of cancellations.
2. We'll have you ride with people who will drive. In this case, we ask that you contribute the $10 you would have paid CLTA-GNY for taking the bus to the driver to cover gas and toll.
3. Take a commercial bus or train to Seton Hall University from Manhattan. See the schedule and directions at

Regarding #2 above, we are now calling on people who plan to drive to offer a ride. If you would like to do so, please contact Ms. Clare Ye at Please indicate how many people you can take and where you can make the pickup (Flushing, Manhattan or somewhere else) so that we can match you with the people who need help with transportation.