

Dr. Bonnie Liao, Principal of YingHua Language School (www.yinghua.org)



Since 1994, Dr. Liping Ma (Stanford Chinese School www.mychineseschool.com) has developed a set of textbooks for overseas Chinese children (K-9).  These textbooks have demonstrated remarkable compatibility with the needs/characteristics of children learning Chinese as a heritage language. The presentation will elaborate this compatibility from practical and implementation standpoints.  Specifically, it will discuss:


1) The method of introducing Chinese characters before pinyin - no pin-yin in the first two years;

2) The emphasis on reading literacy - read 1300+ characters in four years and write only 500 characters;

3) Maximal exposure to Chinese heritage culture - 3-4 pieces of culturally enriched reading material each week;

4) CD-ROM homework and flashcards;

5) Teaching most frequently used characters first and reviewing them constantly;

6) Learning materials that establish continuity between heritage Chinese culture and mainstream American culture.


Seven New Jersey Chinese heritage schools (operating on weekends) have introduced Dr. Ma Liping's textbooks to over 50 classes impacting about 800 students with YingHua Language School having introduced the textbooks to ALL of its heritage-learner classes.


The presentation will also include the CD-ROM Homework demonstration and textbook display.