
---- 学生积极参与学习过程创造条件

姬 建 国



Chinese Character Reproduction and Stroke Order Acquisition --

The Need to Create a Dynamic Process of Learning


Jianguo Ji





Reproducing Chinese written characters, as well as following standard stroke order rules, constitutes a frequent challenge to the beginning learners of Chinese as a foreign language.  To help learners master the written features of the Chinese language, what is needed is an adequate facilitation for a dynamic engagement by the learners in the learning process.  In the case of character writing, an essential question is: to what degree the learner’s total involvement in the reproduction process should be.  In the case of stroke order acquisition, the crucial questions is: how much effort should be directed to the dialectical features of the stroke order criteria. 

This presentation will offer a practical approach to improving the teaching and learning of the Chinese character writing, together with a brief analysis of the learner problem and a recommendation of some procedures and techniques that have been proved effective. 





·          Dr. Jianguo Ji, adjunct professor of Chinese language and culture at City University of New York.  jj104@columbia.edu         (姬建国博士:纽约市立大学 中国语言文化兼职教授)